Laptop fan cleaning – How to

Laptop fan cleaning

Laptop fan cleaning

laptop fan cleaning


1. Remove the battery to prevent electric shock and hardware damage, the voltage can be risk for your life.

2. Unscrew the screw mounting hard disk to remove hard disk, and then remove the hard disk drive.
3. Remove the RAM closer to unmount RAM and then unmount the Random Access Memory.
4. Remove the closer of the screen’s wire carefully to reach to the screws mounting keyboard, but before unmounting the keyboard, unplug the display wire.
5. Unscrew the screw mounting keyboard and carefully take the keyboard, flip it and put it on keys side, then disconnect the wire of the keyboard.laptop-fan-cleaning-04-upside-unmounting-keyboard.jpg

Unmounting the internal devices attatched to the mainboard

6. Unscrew the screw mounting closer of the WLAN NIC to unmount WLAN NIC, and then unmount the WLAN NIC.
7. Remove the screw mounting the screen to unmount screen, then unplug the screen wire to unmount screen.
8. Take off the WLAN NIC wires to unmount screen, then remove the screen carefully to maintain the condition of the screen
9. Remove the screws on the bottom side of laptop to gain access to internal hardware, and then remove the DVD drive to make a possibility of taking out the motherboard, therefore remove the uppercase.laptop-fan-cleaning-06-motherboard-in-the-case.jpg

Unmounting the cables connected to the motherboard

10. Flip the laptop on top side to reach the cables on the second side, after that unplug 2 cables in the middle, because they are attached to the motherboard.
11. Unplug the wires near the right speaker, due to that they are attached to the motherboard, nextly take off the mockup of the cards slot, because they are not needed when uninstalling the motherboard, then take out the motherboard.laptop-fan-cleaning-07-case-without-motherboard.jpg laptop-fan-cleaning-08-case-without-motherboard.jpg laptop-fan-cleaning-09-moherboard-downside.jpg The motherboard – downsidelaptop-fan-cleaning-10-moherboard-upside.jpgThe motherboard – upside

Unmounting the cooling unit of the laptop

12. Unplug the fan cable to be able to unmount the cooling unit that contains of fan and radiator.
13. Unscrew the screw mounting the cooling unit to the motherboard to clean the radiator and the fan from the pollution.laptop-fan-cleaning-16-polluted-cooling.jpg laptop-fan-cleaning-11-polluted-fan.jpg laptop-fan-cleaning-12-polluted-radiator.jpg

Cleaning the cooling unit of the laptop and putting on new thermal compound

laptop-fan-cleaning-14-cooling-unit.jpg14. First of all, wipe out the old thermal compound, so when proceeding to the other step, you won’t make a mess with it.
15. Unscrew the screw mounting the fan to the cooling unit, in addition remove the tape that mounts radiator to the fan.
16. Carefully clean the cooling unit to remove the pollution, because it reduces the amount of  same air that reaches inside the laptop.
17. Nextly clean the fan and radiator with the spray cooler, as a result we will get rid of all the pollution inside.
18. Screw in the screw mounting the fan to the cooling unit, and next attac lyh new tape that mounts radiator to the fan.
19. Put on cooling unit the new thermal compound and put the cooling unit on the motherboard and attach it.laptop-fan-cleaning-17-clean-cpu.jpg laptop-fan-cleaning-18-clean-fan laptop-fan-cleaning-19-clean-radiator.jpg

Assembling back the laptop

20. Put the motherboard back to the case, therefore screw in the screw mounting the motherboard to the downcase.
21. Plug the wires near the right speaker, because they were attached to the motherboard.
22. Screw in the screw mounting hard disk bay, and then put the HDD back at its place.
23. Screw in the screws near the screen ports and therefore plug in the speaker cables.
24. Connect 2 cables of the closer of the screen’s wire, so it’s posible to plug the keyboard to the mainboard.
25. Mount the RAM to the slots for the RAM and WLAN NIC to its place, then mount it with the screw.
26. Almost at the end, screw in the screws mounting the uppercase with lowercase to fix both cases and the integrals to the case.
27. Screw in the screws mounting the RAM closer and HDD closer to prevent from hardware damages.

Laptop fan cleaning costs are from 30 € to 90 € and take 3 to 4 Workdays.

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